i ♥ cat food /} i'm in 3E1!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

PLTC at sarimbun scout camp
got so many unwanted insectss : flys, grasshoppers & ANTSSSS
first day wake up 4.3o to bath then found out tat wasted effort
went mayflower school fall-in.
then (knock us down, up, down...)
then check this check tat,
run here run there,
load things on bus finally go to campsite liao.
finally reach,
call us change into pt kit,
then change back then change again,
denise give idea put clothes in toliet. funny lo
then carry alot of damn stuff
set up tent, kitchen shed, clothsline onlyyy
then cook lunch / dinner,
forget the dates just summerise
sleep late wake up early
layout inspection(everydayy)
they think funny ar , take out put back then take out again
even though tat owl quite good tat day but still very wat leh.
then got first-aid things la,
so dark all cannot see de like the air-con room the best
at nite got the nite walk at the cemetery
walk walk down then tat ming xuan(mayflower de)
go scare me he tot he very proud.
look at ppl's name/birthdate ( somemore chinese )
look at the picture wat if tat picture blink at me la
actually quite disrespectful look here and there
then got group one,
me, dianne,weixin go as a group
search for lightsticks then no more liao sit lorry so nice the wind
hope to sit more lo
then sleep at 2 wake up at 4 fire drill then wake up at6 again
tot it was a dream
to be continued......


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