i ♥ cat food /} i'm in 3E1!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

sometimes i think is a waste of time to go to school , why bother when ppl dun care abt you at all as you were not even there .. when late becos of some reason late only mah better then does never go lor .. letting those you think is good go for watever stuff hav you ever think abt us .. wat they can do so can the others why do you ppl use your butt to think , hav you even think abt those left aside . wat teamA teamB ?? so wat npc only wat ?? the rest leh ?? hav you ever think abt us ?? you call us down then wat , throw us aside ? like fools waiting to be punish ar ? is just wasting time , i was thinkin how stupid of me to even bother going down ... ( i am not pointin to anyone ) and low wei xin i hate music kayes , and i will never join band i dun even noe how to blow lol ... then mr song treat deserts , hahas miao miao say fattenin but still finish the whole thing .. coconut sucks ...

started off wif denise and jing yi from tat boon lay mrt then aft them is hui ling and me lor ... tat song ar he keep sayin he scared of dark lol . when reach liao he still call me walk 150m down , actually i cannot see any bridge around but he say hav then hav lor .. when walk tat cemetry walk it is quite spooky but ok ... pls LC if you scared go home stop holding on to ppl , they hate you , you are just a extra person sticking your head to other ppls stuff and i noe you hav no friends but stop sticking to the spl . poor min xuan ( only sec 1 boy again wheres tat ah tong ) then where we stop i sleep lor ... so tired but yi anne say i sleep liao the wont wake up one ( she is wrong ) when we stop for long break at the got water there hor .. tat LC so late then wake up lor . then walk walk walk ... walk a few more km thanks to LC ... must you be so extra , you dunnoe how to spell shame anot pls stop touching her you use you small brain to think also noe you like tat make ppl hate you moree , luckily i went or poor hui ling will hav to go wif her lol .. then mr song talk talk talk to end the whole thing ...